Product Reviews

<script src=""></script>
<div id="ReviewsWidget"></div>
new ReviewsWidget('#ReviewsWidget', {
//Your Store ID and widget type:
store: 'inkanddrop-com',
widget: 'polaris',

//Content settings (store_review,product_review,third_party_review,questions). Choose what to display in this widget:
options: {
types: 'product_review',
lang: 'en',
//Possible layout options: bordered, large and reverse.
layout: '',
//How many reviews & questions to show per page?
per_page: 2,
hide_if_no_results: false,
hide_if_no_results: false,
product_review: {
sku: "{{ product.variants | map: 'sku' | join: ';' }};{{ product.variants | map: 'id' | join: ';' }}",
enable_rich_snippets: true,

/* Your custom Structured Data */
structured_data: {

category: {{ product.type | json }},
{% capture gtin_length %}{{ product.variants.first.barcode | size }}{% endcapture %}

{% if gtin_length == "14" %}
{% elsif gtin_length == "13" %}
{% elsif gtin_length == "12" %}
{% endif %}

url: "{{ shop.url }}{{ product.url }}",

{%- if product.featured_image -%}
image: "https:{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'grande' }}",
{%- endif -%}

{% if variant.image %}
{% assign variant_image_size = variant.image.width | append: 'x' %}
image: "http:{{ variant.image.src | img_url: variant_image_size }}",
{% endif %}

description: "{{ product.description | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape }}",
{% assign ruk_current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}
{% assign ruk_variant_count = product.variants | size %}
{% assign ruk_count = 0 %}

{% if product.variants %}
{% assign ruk_count = ruk_count | plus: 1 %}

offers: [{
type: "Offer",
priceCurrency: "{{ cart.currency.iso_code }}",
price: "{{ ruk_current_variant.price | money_without_currency }}",
itemCondition: "",
availability: "{% if product.available %}InStock{% else %}OutOfStock{% endif %}",
url: "{{ shop.url }}{{ ruk_current_variant.url }}",

{% if ruk_current_variant.image %}
{% assign variant_image_size = ruk_current_variant.image.width | append: 'x' %}
image: "https:{{ ruk_current_variant.image.src | img_url: variant_image_size }}",
{% else %}
image: "https:{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: 'grande' }}",
{% endif %}

{% if ruk_current_variant.title != 'Default Title' %}
name: "{{ product.title | strip_html | escape }} - {{ fa_current_variant.title | escape }}",
{% else %}
name: "{{ product.title | strip_html | escape }}",
{% endif %}

{% if ruk_current_variant.barcode.size == 12 %}
gtin12: "{{ ruk_current_variant.barcode }}",
{% endif %}

{% if ruk_current_variant.barcode.size == 13 %}
gtin13: "{{ ruk_current_variant.barcode }}",
{% endif %}

{% if ruk_current_variant.barcode.size == 14 %}
gtin14: "{{ ruk_current_variant.barcode }}",
{% endif %}

{% if ruk_current_variant.sku != blank %}
sku: "{{ ruk_current_variant.sku }}",
{% else %}
sku: "{{ }}",
{% endif %}

{% if product.description != blank %}
description: "{{ product.description | strip_html | escape | strip_newlines }}",
{% endif %}

priceValidUntil: "{{ 'now' | date: '%s' | plus: 31536000 | date: '%Y-%m-%d' | uri_encode | replace:'+','%20' }}"
{% endif %}

brand: {
type: 'Brand',
name: '{{ product.vendor | escape }}',

/* Toggle Options */
grouping:"{{ product.variants | map: 'sku' | join: ';' }};{{ product.variants | map: 'id' | join: ';' }}"

//Header settings:
enable_summary: true, //Show overall rating & review count
enable_ratings: true,
enable_attributes: false,
enable_image_gallery: true, //Show photo & video gallery
enable_percent_recommended: false, //Show what percentage of reviewers recommend it
enable_write_review: false, //Show "Write Review" button
enable_ask_question: false, //Show "Ask Question" button
enable_sub_header: true, //Show subheader
rating_decimal_places: 2,
use_write_review_button: false, //Show "be the first to leave a review" text as a button

//Filtering settings:
enable: true, //Show filtering options
enable_text_search: true, //Show search field
enable_sorting: true, //Show sorting options (most recent, most popular)
enable_product_filter: false, //Show product options filter
enable_media_filter: true, //Show reviews with images/video/media options
enable_overall_rating_filter: true, //Show overall rating breakdown filter
enable_language_filter: false, // Filter by review language
enable_language_filter_language_change: false, // Update widget language based on language selected
enable_ratings_filters: true, //Show product attributes filter
enable_attributes_filters: true, //Show author attributes filter

//Review settings:
enable_avatar: true, //Show author avatar
enable_reviewer_name: true, //Show author name
enable_reviewer_address: true, //Show author location
reviewer_address_format: 'city, country', //Author location display format
enable_verified_badge: true, //Show "Verified Customer" badge
enable_subscriber_badge: true, //Show "Verified Subscriber" badge
review_content_filter: 'no_comments', //Filter content
enable_reviewer_recommends: true, //Show "I recommend it" badge
enable_attributes: false, //Show author attributes
enable_product_name: true, //Show display product name
enable_review_title: undefined, //Show review title
enable_replies: true, //Show review replies
enable_images: false, //Show display review photos
enable_ratings: false, //Show product attributes (additional ratings)
enable_share: false, //Show share buttons
enable_helpful_vote: false, //Show "was this helpful?" section
enable_helpful_display: true, //Show how many times times review upvoted
enable_report: false, //Show report button
enable_date: true, //Show when review was published
enable_third_party_source: true, // Show third party source

//Translation settings
translations: {
'Verified Customer': 'Verified Customer'
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